Saturday, January 24, 2009

old history

The last 40 years.
Went to Boston in 66 for college and never left. Kicked around for a few years playing music and assorted other things like mental health, job counseling. When I got to 30 i needed a profession so i became a software engineer, got married, had Julia all in short order.
Fast forward 25 years. High tech has been bumpy for me . So i'm in limbo, half in and half out. I was thinking of retiring, but the market crash put a damper on that. I have a son, Jesse, who is 18 and off to college in the fall. Julia is in NYC where she makes artsy cakes. We are still married and live in Wellesley, a snooty suburb. We bought the house when it was a cabin so it has vastly appreciated.
I stated playing music at 19, although i had always wanted to, and am still at it. We vacation in Jamaica when we can afford it and still have one friend on LI we visit pretty regularly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom-
Thought you'd like to know that someone is out here paying attention.

Bruce W.